Christ the King works closely with the City of Greater Geelong to develop STEM initiatives and programs within our wider community. Staff members attend meetings to stay up-to-date with the latest STEM ideas on offer in the region. Key stakeholders include Fiona Bramham, Cathy Walker and Kathryn Cotter.
Christ the King have been working with Monash University’s Research and Development Manager – Lucas Johnson – to investigate the best ways to deliver STEM Education in schools. We have focused on delivering sound pedagogical practice through research and university partnerships.

At Christ the King, we know real-world connections translates to meaningful learning. As part of our Numeracy Buddies program, Intrax and Worley Parsons engineers work alongside our students to develop their mathematical understanding and confidence.
Associate Professor Matthew Joordens (Head of Mechatronics) worked closely with our First Lego League students to design and print a 3D underwater robot. Matthew assisted with the process of iteration, so that the students were able to redesign their prototype based on professional feedback.
Christ the King has benefited from a strong partnership with the Ford Motor Company. Not only have Ford provided financial sponsorship, but they have provided expert engineers to work with our students and invaluable professional development on emerging technologies.
Christ the King has benefited from a strong partnership with the sustainable solutions organisation, B-Alternative. James McLennan, General Manager, and his team at B-Alternative have supported Christ the King in their ResourceSmart journey across many different aspects including the facilitation of a whole-school waste audit, supporting our First Lego League team in their Innovation Project “The ReBox” (seeing success at regional and national levels) and whole-school fundraising efforts with “Who Gives a Crap” sustainable products.
Huge multi-national tech company LiveTiles is a proud sponsor of the First Lego League and a proud industry partner.