Junior Learning Community

The Junior Learning Centre, initially established in 2012 under the auspices of the Building Education Revolution, . An additional round of enhancements took place in 2021, aligning with the larger Prep Learning Centre project. The Junior Learning Centre, initially established in 2012 under the auspices of the Building Education Revolution, consists of four well-appointed classrooms surrounding a flexible hub at its heart. Encompassed within this hub is not only a library of books, iPad and Chromebook devices, but also modern kitchen facilities that add a unique dimension to the students’ learning experience. An additional round of enhancements took place in 2021, aligning with the larger Prep Learning Centre project. These upgrades introduced cutting-edge technology and interactive learning tools (such as interactive CleverTouch Screens), allowing students to engage in hands-on activities that foster a holistic approach to education. This blend of traditional learning resources, digital tools, and practical life skills creates an enriching environment that nurtures the students’ intellectual and practical growth.
