
Leadership in Catholic schools is a human-centred endeavour, which is both complex and dynamic.

The faith formation of Catholic school communities is Christ-centred and integral to the role of a leader.

Effective school leaders create the conditions for growth and progress, enabling others to understand their impact on student outcomes and seek constant improvement.

Leaders steward a complex array of resources in support of the core business of schools, learning and teaching. They remain ever conscious of the needs of tomorrow and the interaction between the present and future. They work towards good governance, taking account of both systemic and government policy guidelines. (Horizons of Hope, 2018)

The Senior Leadership Team at Christ the King meet regularly to collaborate on the vision and mission of the school. Their strategic intent is to:

  • Develop strong relationships within and beyond the school community
  • Build capacity of staff, to implement learning that is authentic, purposeful and personalised
  • Build leadership capacity of aspirational leaders
  • To create the conditions for growth and progress, whilst holding high aspirations for all – staff, students and parents
  • Develop a strong sense of Catholic Identity

Senior Leadership Team

Leaders are agents of change who work collaboratively in pursuit of improvement and, in doing so, constantly seek to influence the behaviour of others.

Staff who hold these positions of leadership are beginning their leadership journey, each having a clearly defined leadership role. Click on the role description links to learn more. The Senior Leadership Team meet regularly with the leaders to provide ongoing support and guidance for these leaders in their respective roles.